End Fed Random Wire (EFRW) Unbalanced to Unbalanced 9:1 (UNUN). This UNUN will transform from 450ohms to 50ohms as part of a random wire antenna system. Built using our Radio-Stuff.com PCB and all stainless steel components. We also seal all exposed components with thermo plastic to ensure the UNUN will last outside.
Unlike our competitors we build our 9:1 UNUN in two specifications using.
Micrometals T200-2 core best for 40m-6m bands.
Fair-Rite T240-43 core best for 80m-30m bands.
Although both UNUN's are capable of operating from 80m to 6m, providing you have a very good ATU. We recommend picking a core most suited to your needs.
If your unsure what to buy, the T200-2 core will give you the most flexibility down to 80m, but operates best from 40m-10m. This is the core we recommend unless you mainly operate on the lower bands below 40m.
Both 9:1 models are 400w rated (with a 450ohm antenna wire), we do not claim higher levels for these UNUN's but we are aware some resellers do.
The UNUN is built using.
- The Radio-Stuff.com PCB designed in the UK
- Micrometals T200-2 or Fair-Rite FT240-43 core
- 1.12m trifilar windings
- IP rated ABS case
- M5 & M3 fittings including bolts, nuts, wing nuts, solder tabs and wire crimp connectors
- SO239 connector
- Thimble and cable clamp for antenn wire
Please read the notes below.
You must use a random wire length on the antenna side (google random wire antenna lengths) and either a ground or ground radials for the antenna to work well.
A sweep of the UNUN using a 470ohm resister is shown in the product images.
An ATU is an asset for this type of antenna if you are going to use a wide range of bands.
How you tune your antenna will affect the power rating please contact us for more details.
Lastly, you MUST use a Common Mode Choke at the transceiver side of your shack to eliminate common mode issues. Please see out other products for CMC details our 400w model is perfect for this UNUN.